Tis’ the season of the annual open door policy in Chicago, Illinois… literally.
If you didn’t know, the Chicago Architecture Center hosts an event that opens up (sections-of or spaces entirely) buildings, businesses, and community centers that are usually off-limits to the public. This festival brings out the best in Chicago, and I feel the honor and pride in the volunteers and staff that help make this weekend a success.
Only was able to attend (3) locations this time around, here is what I saw…
Héctor Duarte Studio (Pilsen)
Hector’s work features classic Mexican imagery, such as butterflies and human hearts. The piece below is set to be in Logan Square on Milwaukee coming soon!
St. Paul Roman Catholic Church (Pilsen)
I’m a sucker for a beautiful church, especially any with gothic styling. I love me a good arched ceiling. A lot of the stained glass present had white or clear sections which CATAPULTED light towards my sensor. Unfortunately the M9 doesn’t do so well with dynamic scenes with intense highlights, so I lost a lot of the window detail in these shots. Either way, hopefully you can still get a feel for the warmth and presence this church held during my visit.
Blackstone Branch Library (Hyde Park)
Intimate and quaint little library. Displayed was a photo book called “CITY” released in the year 2000 which was a jaw-dropping behemoth of a book. Assembling a range of photographers’ work within a range of neighborhoods, culture, and perspective (within Chicago), it was captivating flip-through. After my grubby desire to HAVE forced me into some online research, I quickly discovered it’s home was well placed in a library. $600 makes a lot of sense, but not for a casual photo book purchase. I guess I’ll have to revisit to re-ignite my appreciation for this text.
And a little trip to 88 Marketplace…
Very cool market with a few eateries held inside. I wish I knew of this space sooner, especially when I lived close by. I now know where to get my bi-annual Japanese curry restock.
All images shot on the Leica M9 with a 35mm F2, Summicron or 15mm F4.5, Voigltander Super Wide. First time really shooting the latter in any real world scenario, and was pleasantly surprised at the amount you can fit within such a wide lens. There were many shots that would never have been given justice with only a 35mm. It still has it’s quirks, and my copy has uneven darkness on it’s corners, but worked very well for today’s pursuits.