Sun rises to car lows

Buckle up bruddahs -

My sister is finally leaving the warm sunshine that is Oahu, to venture off into another chapter of her baking career. With all of the swift packing and sad goodbyes she’s endured, her final morning was decidedly spent watching the early morning sunrise - beachside. Luckily I joined. Dodging bouts of rain, I was astonished by the transformation of the hillside as purples and pinks danced and faded across clouds and tide pools. I could not take pictures fast enough, evident by the over 100 shots I snapped during this time span of less than 30 minutes. oof.

All seemed to be peaceful and well. However…

…on the way to a friend’s vegetable farm in Waimanalo we were struck from behind by a distracted truck driver while we were waiting to turn. Launched forward, my forehead connected with my camera’s shutter speed dial and ripped a 1-2inch gash - SPLOOSH. Everyone was alright otherwise, however our car was totaled and now under inspection for insurance. My head will make a full recovery after some stitches and Tylenol.

Attached below is the best of the magical Sandy Beach at 7am, followed by my Harry Potter-esque injury. Can’t stress enough how vital my seat belt was in this situation, so buckle up bruddahs.

Stay safe -


Shot on a Leica M9 / Leica 35mm Summicron


If you do not want to see my cut then scroll no farther!
